Peyronie’s Disease FAQs

Source: NetDoctor
Source: NetDoctor

There is a growing concern about Peyronie’s Disease (PD). A number of men fear that they have the condition due to their curved penis. However, you should know that not every bent penis is an indication of PD.

Aside from penile curvature, I know that you still have a lot of question concerning Peyronie’s disease. This page is dedicated to helping you find answers to your questions.

What is Peyronie’s Disease?

Source: Coloplast Men's Health
Source: Coloplast Men’s Health

Peyronie’s Disease (PD) is a condition where a fibrous plaque develops on the shaft of the penis. This results in the deformity of the penis during erections where it can bend upward, downward or sideways.

In some instances, it can also take the shape of an hourglass. Aside from this, it also causes painful erections and difficulties during the sexual intercourse. The condition was named after Francois Gigot de la Peyronie, the French surgeon who first described the disease in 1743.

Who gets Peyronie’s disease?

Peyronie’s disease could affect young and old men. However, it is more prevalent among men over 50 years old. PD affects a small number of teenagers.

Overall, about 3-9% of men are affected by Peyronie’s but the exact figure remains unknown.

Does Peyronie’s Disease Affect Men of All Races?

Yes, Peyronie’s disease is not limited to a particular race. Men of all ethnic races could acquire it. However, it is more common among Caucasians men.

What Causes Peyronie’s Disease?

The medical professionals are not sure what really the cause of Peyronie’s disease is. However, it is believed that the common cause is penis injury. A defect in a person’s genetic makeup associated with low levels of testosterone is another potential cause. Also, the disease can also be caused by side effects from medications.

In rare cases, it could be acquired it from birth but the symptoms only show when they are sexually active. PD specialists agree that one can’t do anything to prevent the disease.

What are the Common Symptoms of Peyronie’s Disease?

Here’s a list of the common Peyronie’s disease symptoms from British Duputren’s Society:


Scar tissue/plague – A thickened area or hard lump on the shaft of the penis. You can feel this when your penis is flaccid, not erect.

Bent or curved penis – This is one of the most known symptoms of PD. In fact, most men think that a curved penis is always associated with a Peyronie’s disease but that’s not always the case. If one’s member is severely curved and is painful when erect, then that is a sign of Peyronie’s disease.

Change in penis shape and size – Penises inflicted with Peyronie’s disease often changes in “hourglass” shape compared to the normal curvature. Aside from this the penis becomes shorter and the girth is reduced.

Painful penis – As previously mentioned a curved penis inflicted with Peyronie’s disease can be painful when erect or during a sexual intercourse. However, not everyone with PD reported pain.

Difficulty in achieving an erection – If one has Peyronie’s disease, obtaining an erection and maintaining it is close to impossible due to the inhibited blood flow.

Erectile dysfunction – Since Peyronie’s disease can inhibit erections it can lead to erectile dysfunction.

Source: My Peyronie's
Source: My Peyronie’s

How is Peyronie’s Disease Diagnosed?

In most cases, when you are experiencing the two symptoms: painful erections and curved penis, your doctor will diagnose your condition as Peyronie’s disease.

In some cases, your doctor will advise you to undergo a duplex ultrasound scan to examine the blood circulation of the penis.

Your doctor will also likely measure the curvature or distortion of the penis while it is erect. This can be assessed by photographs you have taken at home. They may recommend vacuum pump or injection into the shaft to stimulate erection and measure curvature.

Are there Stages in Peyronie’s Disease?

Yes, there are two Peyronie’s stages. The first is called acute or active Peyronie’s stage, which could last up to 12 to 18 months. This is the time when PD is progressing. The second stage is called chronic or stable Peyronie’s stage when the progression of PD stops.

How will I know If I Have Peyronie Disease and Not a Congenital Curvature?

Source: Life Saving Natural Cures and Natural Remedies
Source: Life Saving Natural Cures and Natural Remedies

If you have a congenital curvature you will know it from the start. Meanwhile, Peyronie’s disease is usually acquired due to penis injury. If you remain skeptical about your condition, you better check with your doctor for a formal diagnosis.

Is Peyronie’s Disease Dangerous?

Despite the growing concern about Peyronie’s disease, this condition is not life threatening at all. It is not malignant and could not lead to any serious illness. However, PD might lead to erectile dysfunction.

Is Peyronie’s Disease Contagious?

This condition is not contagious as it cannot be passed through physical or intimate contact. However, some reports suggest that it can be passed from the father to his son but there is still a lack of evidence for this.

Will I Still be Able to Have Sex if I have Peyronie’s Disease?

Peyronie’s disease can result in erectile dysfunction which may hinder you from performing under the sheets. However, not all men with Peyronie’s disease reported erectile dysfunction. Some of them have an active sexual life.

More so, due to the bending of the penis, their sexual positions are limited. The angle of bending also determines if you can still be active in the bedroom or not. Severe bending may also prevent from fulfilling your sexual duties with your partner. Check our article on the sex positions if you have curved penis.

What’s the Best Peyronie’s Disease Treatment?

There are a number of possible treatments for Peyronie’s disease. For example, there are non-surgical treatments like penis vacuum pumps or penis extenders.

There is also Peyronie’s disease penis exercises to recondition your member. If you feel that you’ve tried your best with the non-surgical solutions and nothing works for you then maybe you can resort to penis surgery.

The purpose of the treatment is to stop PD from progressing and maintaining your sexual function.

Will Peyronie’s Disease Go Away on Its Own?

According to Dr. Sangtae Park, MD. Urology of North Shorte University, yes Peyronie’s disease can resolve itself spontaneously. However, there is a condition.

About 5 to 15% of Peyronie’s disease cases improved or resolved without any treatment. This is possible only if the condition is not present for over a year.

Thus, an early consultation with a urologist is recommended. A urologist can give you the necessary treatment to prevent PD from worsening for to reverse the curvature.

I understand that most men with penile issues feel ashamed to check their condition with a professional but they are used to dealing with these problems so you should not be ashamed.

Is Peyronie’s Disease Curable?

At the time, there is no cure for Peyronie’s disease. However, the condition is treatable. There is no single or universal Peyronie’s disease remedy. However, there are treatments to choose from.

Source: X4 Labs Penis Extender
Source: X4 Labs Penis Extender

Check our article on Penis pumps and Peyronies Disease

Why Should I Start the Peyronie’s Disease Treatment?

It is recommended that you start your Peyronie’s disease treatment as soon as possible because the earlier you start your PD treatment, the better results you can expect.

I hope that this article answers some of your Peyronie’s disease questions. If you have additional concerns or information about PD, feel free to share it in the comment section. Let’s build a supportive community for men with Peyronie’s disease.

Other Helpful Sources:
London UrologyDupuytrens SocietySharecare