What is Peyronie Disease and Its Treatment Options

Source: Quotesgram
Source: Quotesgram

Are you one of the thousands of men suffering from Peyronie’s disease? If you notice the bending on your penis and it is now affecting your sex life, it’s time to find a remedy.

Medically described as a penile curvature, Peyronie’s are painful when erect and often painful during sexual intercourse.

If you’re suffering from a bent penis, you’ll be feeling the pangs of this condition as soon as you penetrate the vagina. Don’t worry, because we have solutions for you.

Your bend penis can be frightening but it is not fatal. Here’s the good news, there are things you can do to improve your condition. I’ll be offering you different Peyronie’s Disease treatments to reverse your curved penis. Keep reading for more details.

What is Peyronies Disease?

Known also as penile fibrosis, it is one of the common penis problems that men have to endure. It is often characterized as severe penis curvature, where the penile shaft bends 45 degrees or more.

The scar tissues within the penis form a plaque, a condition that causes the curvature, indents, lumps, and causes disfigurements in a guy’s member. When a guy is suffering from this condition, fibrous scar tissues develop inside the penis.

The hardening of the supportive tissues of the penis leads those tissues to contract and shorten on one side of the penis resulting in bending. Curved penis erections such as these can be very painful. It can also affect your sex life because PD can keep a penis from achieving full erection and penetration.

Source: SizeGenetics
Source: SizeGenetics

Check out our article on difference between Peyronies Disease and Normal Curvature

Peyronie’s disease is a rare form of erectile dysfunction that results in the member’s extreme bending. This condition is a fairly common issue that inflicts over 200,000 men annually in the United States alone. This condition affects men of varying ages, but in most cases, it affects men ages 19 and older.

Some researchers believe that the actual Peyronie’s disease cases are higher than reported. Studies suggest some men don’t report their condition due to embarrassment. In addition to this, the health care providers only share limited information.

Can Peyronies Disease Cure Itself?

For men inflicted with Peyronie’s disease, one of their concerns is if the condition is treatable or if it will just go away on its own. This condition is quite complicated but in some cases, Peyronie’s disease can be manageable. In fact, some men with PD were surprised that their condition improved to the point as if they didn’t experience it.


The symptoms of Peyronie’s disease differs in the spectrum, it could be mild to severe. Also, the signs mentioned above could develop either slowly or quickly. However, the good thing is that there are cases where the pain decreases over time. Unfortunately, the curved penis remains. For milder cases of Peyronie’s disease, the symptoms may go away without leaving a permanent curvature.

While we can’t say that Peyronie’s disease can heal itself, there are instances when it seems to worsen and looks to not just go away. If you’re bothered by this condition, you better talk to your doctor.

Read our article on Peyronies Disease and Infertility – Can You Still Have a Child?

What Cause Peyronie’s Disease(Bend Penis)

As previously mentioned, it is difficult to pinpoint what causes a Peyronie’s disease. However, according to some medical experts, a number of factors can contribute to this condition. Unfortunately, most factors are something that men can’t control and have to endure. Check out the different risk factors of Peyronie’s disease.

Heredity – If your father or brother has Peyronies disease, chances are high that you will also develop the same condition.

Connective Tissue Disorder -According to reports, men who had a connective tissues disorder has higher chances of developing Peyronie’s disease. In the same way,a number of men with the disease are also suffering from Dupuytren’s contracture, a cord-like thickening across the palm that causes the fingers to pull inward.

Source: Pinterest
Source: Pinterest

Age – Your risk of developing Peyronie’s disease increases as you age. Many believe that this could be due to age-related changes in the tissue that causes them to be easily injured and less likely to heal well.

Health Condition – Some types of prostate surgery are also associated with developing Peyronie’s disease.

Side effects from medicines– There were studies that state that several meta-blocker medicines contributed to the penile curvature issues.

Bad habits – Smoking has been linked to several illnesses, the same applies to Peyronie’s disease. Smokers have higher chances of acquiring this condition.

Symptoms of Peyronie’s Disease

For men out there who are concerned about their curved penis, here are the symptoms or signs of Peyronie’s disease that you should look out for according to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases.

  • Hard lumps on one or more sides of your penis
  • Pain during sexual intercourse or during your erection
  • Your penis is curved either with or without erection
  • Your penis becomes narrow or shorter
  • If you’re suffering from erectile dysfunction

Peyronie’s Disease Treatments

According to Healthline, Peyronies disease doesn’t have an instant cure, but the condition is treatable and manageable.

In fact, while it is very tempting to take meds for your condition, some doctors prefer that you observe your condition first if the symptoms are not severe. For those looking for Peyronies disease treatment, here are the different solutions for your condition.


When it comes to treating Peyronies disease, the usual medication includes a drug injected into the penis or a surgery for cases where one is experiencing more pain or penis curvature over time. Clostridium hystolyticum (Xiaflex) is the only FDA-approved non-surgical treatment option for Peyronies disease.

Source: drchristinahibbert.com
Source: drchristinahibbert.com

Xiaflex is approved for men with a penile curvature of more than 30 degrees during erection. This treatment involves a series of penile injections that break down the buildup of collagen. After six weeks of this treatment, the patient should do the following gentle penile exercises for better results and faster recovery:

  • Stretch the penis when not erect, three times daily for 30 seconds per stretch.
  • Straighten the penis when experiencing a spontaneous erection unrelated to sexual activity for 30 seconds, once daily.

Meanwhile, some medical professionals may also prescribe an oral verapamil, which is used to treat high blood pressure or interfere on the injection, which helps break down fibrous tissue.

Nonsurgical Options

Source: My Peyronie's
Source: My Peyronie’s

Aside from the nonsurgical options, other alternatives include iontophoresis, a technique that uses a weak electrical current to deliver medication through your skin. Other potential non-drug treatments that are currently investigated are as follows:

Lifestyle Changes

Lifestyle changes have a positive impact on your overall health, including your risk of ED related to Peyronies disease. So if you smoke, quit the habit.

If you booze alcohol, reduce your consumption. If you use illegal drugs, stop it. Instead, eat healthy and nutritious food and exercise regularly.


Source: stressnomore.co.uk
Source: stressnomore.co.uk

This Peyronies disease treatment option is your last resort in case of severe penis deformity. You should wait for a year before you turn to surgery.

Surgical solutions for Peyronies disease includes:

  • Shortening the unaffected side
  • Lengthening the scar tissue side
  • Penile implants

Unfortunately, surgery also comes with contingencies. For instance, lengthening increases your risk of erectile dysfunction. Meanwhile, shortening the unaffected side is used when curvature is less severe.

One type of shortening is called Nesbit application, which includes the removal of excess tissue on the longer side. This results in straighter but a shorter manhood.

Home Treatments

Here is a list of Peyronie’s disease alternative treatments that you can try at home. Check it out and see if it works for you.

Read more about Peyronie home treatments here

Peyronie’s Disease Penis Exercise

Exercise is good for Peyronie’s disease too. There is a set of penis exercises that you can do to improve your PD. Check it out here.

Learn about Penis Exercises for Peyronies

Take Peyronie’s Disease Supplement

There are a number of vitamins and minerals that are reportedly effective in aiding Peyronie’s disease and these are available in capsules as supplements. To help you find the best supplement for your curved penis due to PD, check out our list here.

Know more about Supplements for Peyronie’s Disease

How To Cure Peyronie’s Disease Naturally?

For men with Peyronie’s disease, you might think that getting a surgery is the best option. However, this is not really the case. In fact, you can alleviate the condition naturally by non-surgical solutions like penis pumps and penis extenders. Learn more in the next sections how these devices work in aiding Peyronie’s Disease.

Peyronie’s Disease Penile Extender Testimonial

Here’s a testimonial from Birgir, who used to suffer from Peyronie’s disease. According to him, his doctor did not recommend penis extender, not because it is ineffective but because his physician is not knowledgeable at how penis stretchers operate in aiding this condition.

Source: X4 Labs Penis Extender
Source: X4 Labs Penis Extender

His curiosity led him to research about traction device for peyronie’s disease and how it can treat curved penile. He learned that one study confirms the penis stretcher’s efficiency in helping curved penises. Birgir used a penis traction device to apply reversed stretching to his curved penis and he was pleased with the results.

With continuous use of penile traction, he noticed a slight improvement in his curved penis. His lovemaking sessions with his wife have become better following his penile traction therapy. Birgir was very happy because he just used the penis stretcher to stop his penile curvature from worsening. So, improving its form and shape was a bonus that he is very thankful about.

“The good news is that the Peyronie’s disease does not rule my life anymore. It does not limit my sex life or affect my life in any other way. I guess you can easily imagine how good that makes me feel,” Birgir wrote.

Study Supports Penis Pump’s Efficiency For Peyronie’s Disease

Just like penis extenders, penis vacuum pumps are a great non-surgery solution to Peyronie’s disease. Some specialist advice stretching therapy as part of their patients’ Peyronie’s treatment plan. However, for those not comfortable with extenders, pumps are a great alternative.

Is pump effective in treating Peyronie’s disease? One study aims to assess the efficiency of vacuum pump for peyronie’s disease in straightening the penile curvature. The study involved 31 patients suffering from Peyronie’s disease. For over a 12-week period, these men used vacuum device for 10 minutes twice a day.

Source: goforsize.com
Source: goforsize.com

After 12 weeks, the study continues by giving their sample, the International Index of Erectile Function questionnaire, perceived pain intensity score, stretched penile length measurement and angle of penile deformity after an intracavernous injection with prostaglandin E1.

The results of the study revealed that of the 31 patients, 21 of them experienced a reduction in the angle of curvature by 5 to 25 degrees, three had worsening curvature and the other seven did not experience any changes. The curvature was corrected surgically in 15 patients while the remaining 16 were satisfied with the outcome.

The study concluded that vacuum therapy can improve or stabilize the curvature of Peyronie’s disease and is safe in all stages of the condition. This could also reduce the number of patients going on to surgery.

For men suffering from low-quality erection due to erectile dysfunction, pumps are a great solution. However, traction device or penis extender is a better option for men with severe curvature.

Top Penis Extenders For Peyronie’s Disease

As mentioned in the previous section, penis extenders are among the non-surgical solutions for penile curvature. Penis extenders are popular male enlargement devices. However, there are particular models that are dedicated to Peyronie’s disease. To cut your research time, here are the top 2 penis extenders for Peyronie’s disease.


This brand of penis extender device is specifically developed and manufactured to help improve curved or bent penises, address penis shortening and aid Peyronie’s disease. Andropeyronie uses its new technology Androsupport and Androcomfort to deliver a reliable and comfortable product to its customers.

Andropeyronie reduces penis curvature by over 50% with lesser pain. It also increases penis length up to 1.5 cm in an erect and flaccid state, and girth by up to 1 cm. However, this varies according to each individual.

Most importantly, Andropeyronie delivers safe results, and reduces discomfort. Use it with male virility pills and it can further improve one’s sexual function. It is clinically tested, so rest assured that the item is reliable, effective and safe.

The Peyronie’s Device

This male enhancement device is designed to quickly and easily straighten up your penis. In fact, many users ranked this device as the fastest and easiest solution to help Peyronie’s Disease as well as correct penis curvatures. This product is also doctor recommended and clinically tested.

Source: My Peyronie's
Source: My Peyronie’s

How does it work? The Peyronies Device holds the penis in a straighter shape. It will also supply a steady traction along the length of the penis that will result in stretching your penis. This process will encourage cell duplication, where the cells of the penis will start to pull apart, encouraging new cells to form.

One side of the penis will be experiencing a larger traction and in time the stunted side of the penis will catch up with the other side. The entire penis will continue to be extended in a single, straighter direction that results in a straighter and longer looking penis. It also reduces discomfort and improves your sex life.

Top Penis Pumps for Peyronie’s Disease

Penis pumps are a great non-surgical solution to Peyronie’s disease. When the vacuum is created around the penis during a penis pump session, a certain degree of tension builds upon the penis.

The reason why penis pumps are so useful in the treatment of Peyronie’s disease is the fact that tension causes the scar tissue in the penis to be rearranged or reconstructed. This restructuring of the tissue in the penis results in a reduction of the curvature of the penis.

To help you on finding the best devices, here are the top two penis pumps for Peyronie’s disease.


Source: My Peyronie's
Source: My Peyronie’s

This vacuum penis pump is designed to help patients with erectile dysfunction and sexual impotence issues. Androvacuum helps patients achieve an erection with the use of lowered air pressure.

Aside from this, this device is also useful in building one’s sexual fitness and in improving erection. In fact, it can also enlarge penises and correct penile curvature due to Peyronie’s disease.

Overall, Androvacuum is a safe method to improve your erections and sexual life. This device is also 90% proven effective.This device also delivers immediate and safe results. It is drug-free and does not need any prescription.

BathMate Hydro Penis Pump

This brand of penis pump as the name suggests uses water to create a vacuum. It increases the blood flow to the penis that results in harder, stronger and longer erections.

Source: hydropump.org
Source: hydropump.org

This type of penis pump is usually used during showers or when taking a bath. They are very easy and convenient to use as you just have to fill the pump with water and press it against your body and start pumping.

You can leave the penis pump for 15 minutes on and use the BathMate Shower Strap for this. BathMateHydromax X30 is the newest pump from the company, which generates 35% more suction force.

The Bottomline

For men suffering from curved penises due to Peyronie’s disease, we hope this article help you in finding solutions to your penile curvature problems. You can also check our page on Peyronies Disease Frequently Asked Questions.

If you have additional input or advises concerning Peyronie’s disease and penis curvature, feel free to share it in the comment section below.