Penis Extender Before and After Results


Penis Extender Before and After Results

If you are at the point of your life when you feel the need to use a penis stretcher to gain confidence in the bedroom do not shy away from it. Many use size matters extender, they just don’t talk about it. Who knows your neighbor or best friend who keeps on boasting about his huge cock used to apply it. Though, they just don’t open up their secret to you?

Some men don’t talk about this matter because it would imply their small manhood. However, once you see actual results and feel the gains, you will no longer be shy to talk about your small cock. Soon after, it will be a thing of the past by then.extender-Results-in-erection

If you expose yourself more to a group of men who uses penis stretchers you will be surprised at how many they are . You will notice how open they are to using penis extender devices. Also, you will be delighted to learn how penis extender grew their confidence. The device made them happy and turned their lives around.

Are you ready to see how penis extenders work? Here are some facts from different studies. You’ll know about penis stretcher users who shared their first-hand experience with different penis extender brands.

Review #1 Gregory Lancaster is a proud SizeGenetics user. According to him, he chose this brand because he learned that SizeGenetics is one of the most trusted penis enlargement brands.

Lancaster uses SizeGenetics for 8 hours every day and he noticed significant changes in his penis size after four weeks. According to him, he gained 1 cm in a month, 2.2 cm after three months and over 4 cm at seven months. While using penile device, he also took natural penis enlargement products. By that time, he feels that his dick is already about 1.1 inches bigger.

Review #2 Another male penis extender user shared his experience using Male Edge. He used the penis stretcher for only an hour to 2 hours a day. Take note, it has 1200g of tension on his first week. Eventually, he immediately felt that his dick was thicker and slightly heavier. He expected to grow his penis up to 6.4-inch after three months.

Slowly he increased the number of hours he used the penis stretcher. He also applied dht creams for penile growth to further reinforce the gains. Just after four weeks his penis is already 7.25 inches long. After three months of using the penis extender for up to four hours, he gained a full inch. After five months he gained 1 and a half inches.

Aside from the customer reviews who attested that penis extenders work, several studies also back up the same claims. Here are some penis extender studies that confirm the efficiency and reliability of penis extenders.penis-extender-results-shanghai-study

Medical Study #1 SizeGenetics also did its own medical study that supports the efficiency of its penis extenders. The study lasted for a year and measures the actual penile growth in 1, 3, 6, and 12 months.

The participants of the study wore the penis stretch for 5 hours in the first month, 5 hours at 3 months and 4 hours at six months. After the study, they learned that one can gain on average, approximately 2.3 cm in the first 6 months and on average approximately 2.5 cm over 12 months.

They concluded that the penis extender is effective in lengthening the penis both in flaccid and stretched state.X4-Labs-Male-enlargement-extender-review-results-how-to-use-x4-labs-extender-method-world-trusted-brand-Growth-becoming-alpha-male

Medical Study #2 A study conducted by urologists at San Giovanni Battista Hospital, Italy studied 15 men who use the medical grade penis extender for just 4 hours a day for over six months and learned that on average the participants’ flaccid length increases by 0.9 inches, while the erect length increases by 0.65 inches.

Medical Study #3 Another penile traction study conducted by a Danish physician Dr. Jorn Ege Siana followed 18 men on their 20s to 40s for a 24-week trial. The men wore the penis stretcher for 12 hours a day.

After the said duration they learned that the
participants gained 13 percent in erect length after eight weeks. More so, it grew 2.8 cm or 1.1 inches in erect length. Around the time of 16 weeks. Soon after, it gained up to 29 percent in erect length after 24 weeks.

The biggest erect length reported came in at a monumental 40 percent while the erect penis girth increased by 0.75 inches. These impressive results promised that a man with 6.4-inch penis size could increase his manhood by up to 8.26 inches in erect length.

Numerous studies and product reviews attested that penis extenders work. So if you are considering on getting one to grow your dick, don’t hesitate. Other products like the pennis vacuum  enlargement devices have the potential to give you the largest penis you could possibly acquire. So check them out and get one now.