As the penis enlargement market expands and becomes more and more mainstream, many men are starting to take notice of the possibilities opened by the male enhancement products such as penis patches and penis pills.
However, every new customer that joins the trend has the same question on his lips: which product should I choose? Some customers make their own research before buying anything and know what they are looking for.
Most new customers have little idea how penis enlargement products work. Get to know more about penis patches, as well as how they differ from other products such as penis pills.
Also, due to popular demand, we have included details on the new “patch systems”. The penis patch basically makes it possible for the formula ingredients and nutrients to get into your blood quicker – learn more on how it works below.
Comparing Penis Products
Many men find themselves comparing products they have never heard of and trying to decide which one is better. For instance, not a lot of people understand the differences between penis enlargement pills and patches.
Let’s use for this comparative presentation two high-quality penis enlargement products:ProSolution Pills and ProEnhance.
As the brand name implies, ProSolution comes as a male enhancement formula sold as pills, while ProEnhance comprised of a mixture of natural substances packed into a patch.
Differences of Products
The biggest differences between these two products are the means which the substances delivers. Of course, the formulas themselves. There is little, if any, the difference in effectiveness. Although, some groups of people claim that one or the other of the two contending products as better.
As everybody knows, pills work by reaching the stomach and dissolving there. Once the stomach acids tear the capsule apart, the substances pass through the liver and into the bloodstream and start doing their work.
Penis Pill Drawbacks
Pills deliver a blast of nutrients 3 times a day. The problem with this, your body do not absorb all of these nutrients at once. So, it passes most of them through. The digestive system do not work, efficient enough, to assimilate all of the nutrients.
Other men often take medication orally, at a higher dose than what the body could actually handle. However, so much of it gets wasted in the digestive system. Just like taking too much vitamin C, when you’re body can’t absorb any more, you pee it out. The transdermal patch sends nutrients directly through the skin into the blood stream, which is NOT wasteful.
Top Rated Penis Patches – The Best Patch?
Though newer, this method of enlargement is ranking extraordinarily well. There are nowhere near as many patch manufacturers out there as there are for pills. Unfortunately, the tradition of delivering “less than” quality nutrients has been carried on by many of the companies who produce these patches.
We have tested 5 different company’s products and one has emerged as the best choice. The screenshot to the left shows the opening page of ProEnhance’s site. These patches are of the highest quality and so far have delivered very impressive results.
Use of Penis Patches With Pills and Exercises
As with the pills, we stress the use of exercises with your patches. Patches alone will not get you results, however, pair them with exercises and they deliver an incredibly powerful punch to your enlargement program.
ProEnhance’s patches are doctor recommended and of course fully guaranteed. ProEnhance Patches happen to be made by the same company that created ProSolutionPills so quality, customer support, and success are assured.
Let us know how the patches work out for you and we’ll add you to our research findings!
Penis Pills Vs. Penis Patches
In order for ProSolution Pills to be effective, the concentration of active substances inside the body must be maintained by taking one pill per day. The patch, however, works by sending the active substances through the skin directly in the blood vessels.
Thus, the substances avoid some of the processing that occurs in the stomach and liver. This delivery method has the added advantage that patches have to be changed every few days and not every single day, which gives ProEnhance a slight edge over pills.
Buying Penis Patches
Again, be careful when purchasing. Many of the same rules apply to patches as do to pills. Here’s another reminder:
- Patches should be manufactured in an FDA approved laboratory.
- The penis patches should not contain FDA banned ingredients.
- The patches should come with a full money back guarantee.
- Delivery should be quick, tracked and discreet.
- Customer support should be top notch.
Easy Penis Enlargement Solution
The penis patch is probably the easiest penis enlargement solution for the busy man of today. A simple patch applied to the skin, this product contains a blend of herbal substances, which are slowly pumped into the circulatory system through the skin.
The patch stays hidden under clothing and can be worn safely when you work out at the gym, work in the office or shop at the mall.
The best place for it is the hip or in the area located one or two inches above the pubic zone. The patch is water resistant enough to be worn in the shower, but customers should avoid submerging it in water.
Penis Patches Stimulates Penis Tissues
Like all other penis enlargement products, the patch is focusing on stimulating the development of the spongy tissue that makes up the penis.
This would allow the penis to trap more blood in the Corpora Cavernosa during erection and, ultimately, to grow bigger. The combination of herbal substances will also help customers increase their sexual stamina, produce more semen (which translates into longer orgasms) and gain improved control over ejaculation.
Another benefit is the fact that a bigger penis and more satisfying sex life lead to increased confidence and a new outlook on life. Friends will be surprised to see a new attitude emerging as the penis grows in size while your partner will certainly be happier with the new you.
Choosing, Buying Penis Products
Ultimately, it’s a matter of taste when deciding between these two products. Essentially, both are effective and popular penis enlargement solutions with well-established reputations.
It’s up to the buyer to choose between pills that he has to remember to take every day and put on and forget patch that lasts a couple of days. The only important thing is to make an informed decision and avoid spending money on products that either do not work or, worse, are bad for the customer.
Penis Patches Is It For You?
Have you decided yo try penis patches for your enhancement objectives. Share with us your experiences in using penis patches by posting your reactions and comments below.