Does Drinking Water Help Sexually?

Ah yes. Water. That boring, tasteless liquid that we so often like to forget to drink, and when we do forget, we kind of struggle – a lot.

Water is essential to human health, not simply because it fights dehydration, but also because it is important for metabolic and hormonal functions within the body.

Water comprises up to 60% of the human body, making up half of your blood volume as well. Blood is essential to carry oxygen to body parts, to have them work properly.

Without water, the average human can only survive 3 days without it, thus it is extremely important to keep an eye on your hydration levels.

More than 2000 deaths have been recorded due to dehydration in the past decade; especially in hot and dry environments.

What Are Signs Of Dehydration?

Dehydration is a scenario that occurs when the body has less liquid than it needs to function.

Dehydration can be dangerous, especially to younger people as they are typically more active.

Causes of dehydration can be anything from a warm day, diarrhea, vomiting, and even having too much alcohol.

Signs that you may be dehydrated include being thirsty, less frequent and darker colored urination, dry skin, and sometimes fainting.

Dehydration can influence various functions in the body; losing just 2 pounds in water weight will significantly affect your physical and mental performance. It is thus generally advised to drink at least 8 glasses of water per day, although personal needs may differ.

How Does Water Affect Sexual Health?

A study published in 2012 found that in a dehydrated state, females reported degraded mood, poor cognitive function, headaches, and increased perception of task difficulty.

Drinking enough water is firstly important because it can improve your mood, making you more inclined to have sex.

While having sex, the blood vessels dilate in order to transport more blood, and get rid of some heat. This heat is then cooled off via sweat, thus creating a big risk of Dehydration when having sex.

This can lead to a lack of motivation and increased fatigue, thus making any activity much more demanding. In order to maintain a sex drive whilst having sex with your partner, you need to be hydrated in order to have your body’s systems work properly.

Water has been shown to even increase your metabolism, with a 2011 study showing that a cold beverage increases energy expenditure by a whopping 25%.

By having a higher energy output, you are more likely to lose fat which in turn will make you more attractive and will have a positive effect on your sex life.

Can Water Improve My Blood Flow To My Penis?

Blood flow refers to the blood volume in the body being able to reach the various parts of the body.

This is essential to sexual health, as – contrary to what you might think – something like high blood pressure can make it difficult to sustain an erection.

Water intake throughout the day is thus necessary to not only combat thirst, but to keep fluid levels high to help blood circulation.

Heat in the body causes increased blood flow, and since blood is made up of mostly water, for overall wellness it is advised to consume quite a few glasses of water throughout the day.

Factors such as diet, stress, anxiety, and a low volume of hydration can all influence your sexual health – perhaps even causing sexual dysfunction.

Erectile Dysfunction could affect upwards of 50% of all men according to experts in Massachusetts.

To help prevent a problem with blood flow to your penis when having sex, it is advised to live a healthy lifestyle.

You can start eating healthy and exercise regularly. In some instances, you may want to try topical solutions like nitroglycerin gel for ed. These products are also available as instant erection creams and as essential oils for erectile dysfunction. These topical applications acts as erectile dysfunction vasodilator that inhibits RhoA/Rho-kinase pathway, thereby causing penile erection.

How Can I Avoid Erectile Dysfunction ED?

Erectile dysfunction ED is when the person is unable to maintain a erection or even achieve one: the causes being anxiety, poor hormones, stress, porn addiction, and often dehydration.

It is not something to be ashamed of at all, and many men call into question their erectile function in the first place. In order to achieve a full erection, the penis needs access to nutrient rich blood.

Red blood cells carry oxygen to the penis muscle, and enable it to become erect. The flow to the penis needs to be easy and for this you need to have great blood flow.

Blood flow is influenced by hydration level, sexual stimulation, overall wellness, hormone regulation, and fitness.

To avoid erectile dysfunction, it is advised to have great overall health, low blood pressure, low cholesterol, to drink enough water, and to increase your muscle mass, thereby lowering mental pressure, and giving your blood cells a greater chance to reach your penis.

You can likewise use a penile traction device, which are known to increase blood flow to the penis and even prevent erectile dysfunction. For safety look for fda approved penile extension devices, as they’re checked by the US Food Drug and Adminstration.

Can Dehydration Cause Erectile Dysfunction?

Erections happen when the penis becomes flushed with blood, which is high in oxygen and red blood cells, and causes the penis to have healthy erectile function.

Fluid levels in the body play a massive role in this process, as blood itself is a fluid.

Without enough water in the body, the blood vessels will not be able to carry blood to the penis, and a full erection will not be possible.

The body’s requirements for water are constantly changing; however, a possible symptom of dehydration is erectile dysfunction – if you are not properly hydrated, your sexual health will suffer.

Low hydration levels will lead to several health implications, lowering your overall health. Drinking water will also help you maintain an erection, enabling muscle contractions to take place, allowing blood vessels to work properly, and to manage fatigue that can influence sexual drive.

So, How Much Water Do I Need?

In order to have a better sexual health, you need to be drinking a few glasses of water a day, or at least every time you have thirst.

Thirst is the best sign of dehydration, and that could lead to dire situations.

To supply the tissue in the body with water, you will need to drink enough water to never be dehydrated.

For the body to work properly, it needs oxygen at various points – which is transported by the blood.

If you are dehydrated, your blood flow could be negatively affected, and you are at risk of health implications.


Water is known to help in replenishing the body in physical activities like exercise and workouts. This is also the case when you’re having sex since you’re sweating in the sheets.

However, if you have some serious erection problem like an erectile dysfunction, you may need several methods to solve the problem.

There are men who improve their lifestyle like eating naturally and giving up on alcohol and smoking. Others do erectile dysfunction exercises, in combination with vacuum erection device, available in online stores and Walmart as erectile dysfunction pumps. NHS recommend these penal pumps for ed treatment on men suffering with severe and chronic erection issues.

Whatever the case maybe, keep in mind that erection problems can also be a psychological and emotional issue. Be sure to consult with your physician to get into the bottom of a sexual dilemma.




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